Jumat, 12 September 2008

MiE den9an saus KeJu....

Ayah ibu sibuk kerja................
Pembantu kaga punya..................
Dirumah sendiri pula.............
Mana perut lapar pula.............
BT kan????

gw punya solusi untuk kamu!!!!!!!!

Ga usah sedih n panik kalo di rumah kaga ada makanan padahal ibu sibuk kerja n pembantu kaga ada...............

Solusinya adalah kamu buat makanan ndiri.........

yaitu : Mie dengan saus keju....

Bahannya mudah kok...............

Dijamin bisa mengganjal perut kamu sampai ibu kamu pulang.............
Oiya sampe lupha, kamu juga bisa mengundang teman untuk menemanimu yang di rumah sendiri n kalian bisa sekalian masak bareng n makan bareng..............................!!!!

ini bahan-bahannya:

  1. 4 bungkus mi instant
  2. 2 bungkus bumbu mi


  1. 2 sendok makan mentega
  2. 1/2 bawang Bombay cincang
  3. 1 sendok makan terigu
  4. 50 gram keju cheddar parut
  5. 200ml susu cair
  6. 1 bungkus bumbu mi
  7. 4 sosis, potong bulat
  8. Keju parut buat hiasan
  9. Saus tomat/ sambal botol secukupnya

Cara membuat:

  1. Mi direbus seperti biasa. Campur dengan bumbu mi.
  2. Taruh dipiring. Siram saus. Tabur sosis, keju parut. Beri saus tomat/sambal botol.
  3. Sajikan deh....


  1. Panaskan mentega. Tumis bawang bombay sampai layu.
  2. Masukkan terigu, keju, susu cair, bumbu mi. Aduk-aduk sampai kental...


Selamat Mencoba!!!!

( dari majalah Aura Lezat Sehat )

( shinta )


Ini adalah foto dari salah satu personil Super Junior yang bernama Yesung.

Sebenarnya nama aslinya seh Kim JongWoon. Lahirnya tanggal 24 Agustus 1984.....

Dia mempunyai suara yang bagus Lho....

Dia juga termasuk anggota Super Junior Happy.............

Di MV Pajama Party, dia sangat luchu, dan menurut saya gerak tarinya sangat bagus......

( Shinta )

Grint's Biography...

Early life

Grint was born in Watton-at-Stone, Hertfordshire. His mother, Jo (née Parsons), is a housewife, and his father, Nigel Grint, is a memorabilia dealer and former racing car driver.[2] He has one brother, James (born in 1990), and three sisters: Georgina (born in 1993), Samantha (born in 1996) and Charlotte (born in 1998). Before being cast in Harry Potter, he had only appeared in plays for school and his local theatre group, Top Hat Stage School. As a young child, he was once cast as a fish in a play based on the story of Noah's Ark. He also played Rumpelstiltskin in another school play.[3]


A self-proclaimed fan of the Harry Potter book series, young Grint was interested in getting a role in the film. For his audition, he sent a video he made of himself, in which he dressed as his drama teacher, while rapping about how much he wanted the part and won the casting selection with it. After completing the first Potter film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, he appeared as Alan A. Allen in the British comedy film Thunderpants (2002). In 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2007, he again starred as Ron Weasley in the Potter sequels Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixand Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Grint also starred in the coming-of-age story Driving Lessons with Laura Linney and Julie Walters (who acted as his character's mother, Mrs. Weasley, in the Harry Potter movies), which was released in the summer of 2006.

Also known for his radio and television voice-over work, he appeared as Nigel Molesworth in the Baggy Trousers series for BBC Radio 4[4] and voiced Peter Pan in a BBC documentary.

On 9 July 2007, Grint and fellow cast-mates Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson left imprints of their hands, feet and wands in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.[5]

On 2 July 2008, it was announced that Rupert is starring in Cherrybomb, "a gritty thriller about two teenagers who get into trouble when they both fall for a beautiful new girl in town."[6] It was announced that Grint would shoot a nude scene in this movie. Filming was wrapped up in late August 2008 and is currently in post-production.

On 4 September 2008, it was announced that Grint is to star in comedy remake of Cible Emouvante, entitled Wild Target. Grint will star alongside legendary actor Bill Nighy, and Harry Potter beauty, Helena Bonham Carter. He will star as Nighy's apprentice, Antoine.

While directing Prisoner of Azkaban, Alfonso Cuarón is reported to have gained the strong impression that Grint is "the likely future star out of the Hogwarts trio".[7]

Personal life

In July 2004, Grint finished Richard Hale School, taking his GCSE examinations. When not working, he enjoys learning to ride the unicycle, drawing/sketching, watching Tottenham Hotspur and playing golf.[citation needed] Like the character he portrays, Ron Weasley, he has stated that he has arachnophobia.[8]

With his earnings from the "Harry Potter" series, Grint purchased an ice-cream van and then stated jokingly that if his career falls out after the end of the seven part series, then he'll still have the van. According to his co-star Emma Watson from her interview with Conan O'Brien, the van has all the toppings and such in it.[9][10]

In September 2007 Rupert and his co-stars along with David Heyman and David Yates attended the National Movie Awards. He lost to his co-star Daniel Radcliffe for Best Actor.

Hair care giant Brylcreem released a list of the best and worst male hairstyles of the celebrity world in 2007 putting Rupert Grint's haircut with the top five best male film stars haircuts and his co-star, Daniel Radcliffe, in the Top 5 Worst Male Film Star haircuts.[11]

Kamis, 04 September 2008

BroWnies FuDge


Ehm.......kalo kalian bosan sama hari minggu kalian.....

gw punya resep untuk kalian( khususnya perempuan) agar hari minggu kalian gak bosan..............

yaituuuuu...Bikin kue!!!!!!

Brownies Fudge

  • 250 gr dark chocolate, cincang kasar
  • 150 gr mentega tawar
  • 200 gr gula pasir halus
  • 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
  • 3 butir telur ayam
  • 100 gr white chocolate, cincang kasar
  • 150 gr tepung terigu
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 1/4 sdt baking powder
  • 50 gr white chocolate ( bhn hiasan )


  1. 250 gr dark chocolate dan 150 gr mentega tawar ditim diatas api kecil hingga leleh, angkat
  2. 150 gr terigu dan 1/2 sdt garam diayak jadi satu.

Cara membuat hiasan :

Tim 50 gr white chocolate hingga leleh

Cara Membuat Brownies:

  • Panaskan oven hingga mencapai suhu 180 derajat celcius
  • Siapkan loyang 24 x 10 x 3 cm, olesi mentega, taburi dengan terigu
  • Aduk rata gula pasir dan dark chocolate leleh. Masukkan vanili aduk rata
  • Tambahkan telur satu persatu, sambil diaduk rata
  • Masukkan terigu ayak sedikit demi sedikit, aduk searah rata
  • Tambahkan white chocolate, cincang, aduk rata
  • Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang, ratakan. Panggang dalam oven panas selama 45 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
  • Potong-potong, hias dengan hiasan dan Brownies Fudge siap disajikan.

gimana????? mudahkan???

resep ni gw dapat dari kegiatan sabtu memasak gw di skolah....

selamat mencoba yap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

semoga menyenagkan....

( 's'grint )

Senin, 01 September 2008

PuDinG Mi

Menyambut bulan puasa pada tahun ini

Rasanya puding Mi enak untuk disantap menjelang berbuka puasa, menurut saya lho......

Resep ini saya dapatkan dari kegiatan memasak yang saya ikuti di sekolah

Berikut bahan dan Cara membuatnya...........

  1. 200 gr Mi telur, seduh
  2. 1 bngks agar-agar
  3. 200 gram gula
  4. 750 ml susu
  5. 3 lembar roti tawar, tanpa kulit
  6. 100 gram buah koktail kaleng, tiriskan
Bahan Saus:
  1. 300 ml sari jeruk ( siap pakai )
  2. 50 ml gula pasir
  3. 2 sdt maizena
  4. 3 sdm air

Cara membuat:
  1. Rebus agar, gula, susu hingga mendidih. Masukkan roti dan mi. Aduk rata lalu tuang ke cetakan agar-agar. Taburkan buah koktail. Dinginkan...
  2. Sementara itu buat saus, rebus sari jeruk dan gula sampai mendidih lalu kentalkan dengan maizena yang dilarutkan dengan air, setelah mendidih , angkat...

Mudahkan membuatnya.....

Apa salahnya untuk mencoba PuDing mi ini.....!!!!!!!!!!

Selamat mencoba...........................................!
